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Office Policies

The administration, teachers, and staff members at Roselawn Condon School value open communication with parents, guardians, community members and the public. Please feel free to contact us; we would love to hear from you.  


Teachers are unable to answer incoming calls from 8:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. during the school day. All calls will automatically be forwarded to voicemail. If your call is urgent, please call the office at (513) 363-4800 with your message. Click the "Staff" tab above for direct contact information.

Emergencies (Need to Reach Your Child)

If there is an emergency and you must reach your child, please call the office at (513) 363-4800 during the school day. Leaving an urgent message on a teacher's voicemail is not advisable. By calling the office, your urgent message will be forwarded to your child's teacher immediately. If you do not want your child to board the school bus to go home, please call the school's office at (513) 363-4800 before 3:30 p.m. to ensure that he/she will not be on the bus. Students with special needs begin boarding buses at 3:35 p.m. Most bus riders are in their buses by 3:40 p.m.

Emergency Medical Forms

During the first week of school, each parent/guardian will be required to complete an Emergency Medical Form for each child enrolled. The forms must be fully completed with student information and emergency contact numbers. Each parent is asked to provide at least three emergency contacts in the event that he/she cannot be reached or does not have phone access during the school day. It is essential that we have someone to contact in the event of a school or individual student emergency. This list will also determine who can/cannot have access to students during the school day, as well as pick up students from school.

Guardianship/Child Custody

If legal guardianship should change at any time, it is the parent or legal guardian's responsibility to inform the school of such changes. The parent/guardian will be asked to produce official documents indicating such a change.

Non-Custodial Parents
Parents/ guardians who do not have custody of their child are able to make inquiries about the child's progress at school. Teachers may supply information regarding student progress in the following manner:

  • Copies of progress reports may be issues, and/or
  • Parent conferences with the teacher may be arranged.
  • Non-custodial parents do not have the right to make decisions concerning their child's education. These types of decisions are reserved for the custodial parent.

Please note, non-custodial parents are only allowed their child's school information if there are no legal papers in the child's cumulative record.

Change of Address/Phone Number

Please notify the school as soon as possible of any changes in a student's address, phone number or other important information. Parents/guardians should provide two proofs of the new address to the school office (e.g., utility bill, lease agreement). Upon receipt of the information, the office staff will make changes in our data base. It is critical that we have the most current information.

School Records

Copies of all student records will be maintained on-site at the school. If a student transfers to another school, it is necessary for the parent/guardian to complete the enrollment process at the new location and sign a records release. The new school will forward the release to Roselawn Condon School and records will be sent or faxed to the new school.


All parents, guardians and visitors must enter through the main front doors on Summit Road. For the safety of our students and staff, individuals must check in at the front office and receive a Visitor's Pass before further entering the school premises. No one is admitted into the hallways or classrooms without checking in at the front office.


If you would like a personal tour of our school, please call 363-4800 to schedule an appointment. Our school office is open 8:15 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. We would be proud to show you our school and have you meet some of our teachers, staff members and students.