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School Policies

Included on this page are highlights from our policies and procedures. The Roselawn Condon School Student Handbook includes more details about each of these items.

Attendance Policies and Procedures

As a reminder, our hours are:

School Hours: 8:50 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
Office Hours: 8:35 a.m. - 3:35  p.m.

To report an absent child, call the school office or email us using this Absence Reporting Form.

Bus Safety

Student behavior that distracts bus drivers is a hazard to the vehicle's safe operation, and jeopardizes the safety and welfare of all passengers. Misbehavior while on a yellow school bus or a Metro bus can result in disciplinary action for the student or the suspension of transportation service for the student. Read more about our requirements for student behavior on buses.

Transportation Office (513) 363-0330
First Student Bus Service (513) 761-6100

Yellow bus service is contracted through the pupil transportation office. Roselawn Condon School's bus vendor is First Student. Transportation of students is a privilege that must not be abused. Each child must observe the following regulations while riding on the bus:

  • Be orderly during loading and unloading of the bus.
  • Ride a regularly assigned bus.
  • Identify yourself when asked to do so.
  • Do not use abusive language.
  • Be quiet at railroad crossings or other dangerous areas.
  • Stay away from the emergency door exit at all times.
  • Remain seated while the bus is in motion.
  • Do not smoke on the bus.
  • Do not fight on the bus.
  • No eating or littering is permitted on the bus.

Students Missing Bus at Dismissal

If a child misses the bus at dismissal time, the child will be brought to the office where parents/guardians will be contacted to arrange the child's transportation home for that day.

After-School Detention for Students Who Ride Buses

When a child who rides a school bus is given an after-school detention, parents/guardians will be notified at least one day in advance of the detention. Parents/ guardians are responsible for their child's transportation.

Parental Request for Change of Transportation

If a parent/guardian wishes any deviation in transportation (i.e., walk home, or pick up by car) the office must be notified in writing. These arrangements are to be made prior to your child coming to school. The office cannot guarantee messages that are left with secretaries and/or voicemail will be given to students.

Students who ride a bus will not be permitted to wait for a ride, walk home, or ride home in a car with another parent without written permission from a parent or legal guardian. Please do not telephone the school office to leave a message for a transportation change. We will not jeopardize the safety of your child by taking a message for a transportation change over the telephone. For the safety of each of our children, no exceptions will be made for this regulation.


Review CPS' Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures.

Visiting During School Hours

We welcome visits from parents and guardians. However, to protect student safety, all visitors must sign in at the main office and wear a visitor's badge. Parents/guardians who would like a conference with their child's teacher must schedule an appointment with the teacher.