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Principal Kynda Few

My name is Kynda Few, Principal at Roselawn Condon School. To date, I have spent my last ten years in the Cincinnati Public School district working at Aiken High School as a Language Arts teacher and Team Lead. I also served as an Assistant Principal at Gamble Montessori High School, and most recently, Interim Principal at Westwood Elementary. I have been dedicated to education for the past 20 years, as evidenced by my educational experiences from elementary to middle to high school.

I am excited to unite my experience and openness to learn in order to best support our students. Most importantly, my philosophy is that students are at the center of all school-related decisions. My primary goal is to ensure that ALL students have access to an equitable education. I truly believe the key to any successful relationship is collaboration and a common commitment. Therefore, to parents and extended networks, partnering with you is necessary so that we can make sure your child's social, emotional and academic needs are met. With the collaboration of every staff member, I believe that our school year will be filled with quality instruction and celebration of our students' efforts. I am excited to learn and educate the community about the uniqueness of Roselawn Condon and look forward to working with everyone. Be sure to visit our website in order to receive updated information throughout the year.


Principal Kynda Few