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5-Star Award Winner logo for preschool

Preschool is a very important stepping stone to your child's future. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be. Our preschool staff members teach students how to think, make good choices and learn to act with purpose through play, lessons and activities that will prepare them for kindergarten.

Cincinnati Public Schools provides quality, comprehensive preschool programs and collaborative services to support young children and families for lifelong learning — CPS has a long history of providing quality preschool programs. All CPS preschools are evaluated by the Ohio Department of Education, the majority of which are rated five stars, the state's highest rating.

For more information, call our Early Childhood Department at (513) 363-0240 or fill out the preschool interest form and you will be contacted about a high-quality preschool for your child.

Cincinnati Public School Preschool

The Roselawn Condon Preschool Head Start program is federally funded and serves young children ages three thru five. Placement in the program is income-based and serves families in the Cincinnati school district.

Head Start is a full day program, beginning at 9:15 a.m. and ending at 3:45 p.m. Children in the Head Start program are exposed to curriculum-based activities in the developmental areas of communication, self-help, social/emotional, gross and fine motor and cognition. These activities revolve around the core subjects of language arts, math, science and social studies. Parental involvement is strongly encouraged and welcomed. Social service programs are made available to families of students in the Head Start program.